Jayant AMS5732 is a sub-type specification of Stainless Steel A286, itself a precipitation-hardenable super-alloybased on iron. This specification is already solution and precipitation heattreated at 1300-1400 Degree F (704-760 Degree C) for 16 hours, followed by air cooling. Theresulting hardness ranges from 248-341 HB. Additionally, AMS 5732 can bereadily formed, and cold worked, just like other austenitic steels. Moreover,the parts can be machined using standard methods. The alloy can be readilywelded using traditional methods, including gas tungsten arc, gas metal arc,and shielded metal arc. Any nickel-based steel can be used as filler metal, buta filler wire of the same specification is recommended. Also, for optimalresults, the weld bead should be raised, and the parts in the annealedcondition.